Be a Home-based Call Center Agent

There are multiple benefits for work at home moms, such as balanced lifestyle, flexible work schedule and decreased expenses

Be a Home-based Call Center Agent

folderMedia, Community

Do you believe you are a good fit?

David L. Papp, Founder & CEO, Agents Republic – “Working from home for a call center is one of the best alternatives for stay-at-home moms to earn income. Typical tasks include receiving calls for general customer and tech support or making calls to take surveys and following up on reservations. Home-based work offers a balanced lifestyle for work-at-home agents, especially for the new generation. One can work not only wherever and whenever she wants, but also decrease discretionary expenses on eating out, clothing, and commuting between the office and work. The model also provides advantages for business as the stay-at-home moms are higher educated, thus can provide a higher quality service compared to their premise-based counterparts. They speak more languages and can be geographically distributed helping seamless business continuity requirements of companies. The on-demand nature of the service supports rapid scalability both up and down as business needs changes. It is also one of the unique solutions which could deal with traffic spikes ― just like how Uber is creating incentives for taxi drivers to manage event-based traffic.”

By Benilyn Formoso – Suralta on January 17, 2019 

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