AR Live Phone Answering Service

Enjoy professional support with our phone answering service, staffed by a team of customer service experts. We will answer your calls whenever and however you want, on a convenient pay-as-you-go basis

A better way to support your customers

Focus on your core competencies and elevate your customer support with our phone answering service. We empower your business by offering a cost-effective, scalable solution, powered by cutting-edge, cloud-based technology.


24/7/365 service

Provide your customers 24/7 call center service, after-hours support or a custom service with a 365 days a year availably


Quick setup

6 step setup process can be completed in 20 minutes online. You can enjoy your new customer service line right away!



Focus on your core business while we take care of your customers for as low as $550/month. Check pricing to learn more.

Cutting edge software
that comes with a team

Plenty of cloud call center platforms are out there, but small business owners don’t always have the time, budget, or call volume to hire a team or a customer service outsourcing company. We heard you and created Live Customer Support as a Service. Cater to your customers 24/7 and never miss a new business opportunity. Start using it today, and if you keep growing, you can always switch to our premium services.

Easy setup


Choose a number

Select a phone number to which your inbound calls would be forwarded or use it as primary phone number (1 min)


Customize call settings

Select a welcome greeting, wait music,  hours of operations and more (5 min)


Set integrations

Add your email for notifications or integrate with your CRM provider (4 min)


Add agent script

Select up to 3 inquiry cases and provide a brief description for our agents on how to handle them (10 min)


Test your new line

Dial your new number to check if all settings are correct and test agents


Select your plan

Enjoy your new service! Our agents will handle your calls per your settings and instructions.



24/7 availability

With our phone answering service, your customers will be served 24/7, 365 days a year, ensuring no missed calls or new business opportunities, even after hours or on public holidays.


Customizable IVR

Set your welcome greetings, wait for music, business yours and more! You will have options to store voice recordings, instruct agents to handle missed and/or after hours calls.


Minute-based pricing

Save costs by paying based on the number of minutes our agents actually handle calls. Minimize your customer support expenditures and receive quality live support.


Instant setup

Complete the whole setup within 20 minutes or less! Simply choose a plan, answer some questions and let our agents help you handle your calls.


Custom phone number

Search based on your preferred area code to reserve local or toll free phone numbers for either transfer your calls or promote. Currently available: US, Canada, UK.



Prefer clients leave voicemail after hours? Set a custom message to let you customers know that we received their message and will get back to them the next day.



Access your dashboard anytime from anywhere using your PC, smartphone or tablet. A mobile-compatible design allows you to manage all call center features right on your screen



Our phone answering service ensures you never miss a call during traffic spikes, scaling as your call volume surges. For permanently increased volumes, upgrade to premium support anytime.


Live monitoring

Monitor your call center with ease using our phone answering service! Access your dashboard anytime for call statistics, analytics, charts, and more, and provide immediate feedback or callback instructions if needed


Call recording

Access voice recordings between our agents and your clients. They will be stored securely and accessible anytime. You may also download them to store locally.


CRM integration

Integrate your preferred CRM system or create an email notification for a smoother workflow. Currently available CRM integrations: Help Scout, HubSpot



Have peace of mind that all data is processed according to the highest level of North American and EU Information security standards (GDPR, CCPA, PIPEDA).

Phone Answering Service Pricing

/ monthStart 30 Day Trial
  • minutes included
  • Shared agents
  • Standard supervision
  • English only
  • Phone only
  • Real time analytics
/ monthStart 30 Day Trial
  • minutes included
  • Shared agents
  • Standard supervision
  • English only
  • Phone only
  • Real time analytics

Bulletproof inbound scripting

Create a decision tree with up to three inquiries typical to your business. Quick and easy setup with built-in commands, templates, fallback options and color-coding. Agents will use your script or handle calls based on based on your instructions and standard customer service best practices. Script and use cases can be changed at any time based on your business needs. Rest assured, our experienced agents are well trained to handle change requests and are ready to adapt to new requirements.

Designed to handle a variety of essential use cases

Let our pre-selected pool of experienced inbound customer service agents handle your phone answering calls and represent your business. The average age is 35 with 7+ years of customer support experience representing well know global brands, such as AT&T, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, HP, eBay, Shopify or Google. Typical use cases are 24/7 inbound customer service, after-hours calls, overflow call center, inbound customer acquisition, lead qualification and more.

Start outsourcing with ease

Live Agent Support 24/7

Agents Republic offers live phone answering services and premium call center services for a diverse range of organizations, from small businesses to large stock exchange listed corporations.

Staying competitive in today’s market requires businesses to be accessible to customers 24/7. Large blocks of unavailability can frustrate customers and drive them to competitors who are more responsive. To prevent this and ensure your customers never hang up on voicemail again, you need a competitive technology and a trained team that allows your business to answer calls even when you’re unavailable. This enables you to focus on your core competence, to take more orders, increase your revenues and grow your business. 

Our skilled agents are dedicated to providing top-notch customer service, ensuring that every call is answered promptly and professionally with love and care. It is crucial for businesses to be accessible around the clock to meet customer demands. With Agents Republic, you can customize your call answering services to fit your specific needs, whether it’s during peak times, after hours, or even 24/7 coverage. Don’t risk missing out on important calls – let Agents Republic be the extension of your company that keeps you connected with your customers at all times.

With Agents Republic as your call phone answering service solution, you get that edge you’ve been looking for with an extension of your company that can be easily customized to fit your business requirements. Choose from a flexible range of live answering service options like having us cover your phones while you’re busy with clients, during lunchtime or after hours, while you’re on vacation, during peak times when you could use some call overflow coverage, or even 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year if you so choose. How you want to structure your Agents Republic phone answering services is completely up to you with our state of the art self service platform. Phone numbers, greetings, business hours, script settings, notifications, call monitoring and call statistics are available online from your phone or your browser at any time.

Seamless CRM integration

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HubSpot is a comprehensive inbound marketing and sales software platform designed to help businesses attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. If you already use HubSpot it is just a click of a button to link it to your Agents Republic account and all phone calls our agents handle will show up in your CRM and can be added to your HubSpot Dashboard for reporting purposes. HubSpot is a platform we suggest if your main focus is on inbound sales.

Help Scout logo square blue Created with Sketch.

Help Scout

Help Scout is a popular customer support software and help desk solution used by businesses to manage customer inquiries and provide support. It offers features like ticketing systems, knowledge base management, live chat, reporting, and integrations with other tools. Help Scout helps companies streamline their customer support processes and improve customer satisfaction.


Zendesk is another cloud-based customer service platform that provides a suite of tools to help businesses manage customer support, sales, and engagement. You can easily connect your Zendesk to your Agents Republic for seamless real time integration. All phone calls and notes our agents handle will show up real time in Zendesk aiding your customer support operations. We suggest Zendesk as a CRM system in case your main goal is customer service.


Other platforms

Our team is continuity working on adding other CRM platforms as well. If you have a preferred platform not listed above, please contact us for more information

Why work with us?

  • Plans start from $550 per month, pay as you go, cancel any time
  • Outstanding customer support with highly trained agents
  • You receive a team and call management software
  • Settings are highly customizable covering various use cases (order taking, appointment scheduling, information request, membership renewals, event RSVPs or even special use cases such as support for gated community)
  • Professional call center real time analytics provided free of charge
  • Focus on your core competence and let our team to handle all your phone calls, freeing up valuable time and resources

Looking for premium or enterprise grade solutions? Contact us today!

Transparency and performance

Agents Republic offers highly customizable live phone answering services tailored to suit the needs of startups, healthcare practices, small businesses, and large corporations. Our flexible scheduling and dynamic scripting ensure that callers receive top-notch support by our phone answering service agents while believing they are interacting directly with your company. We prioritize confidentiality, ensuring that callers are unaware they are assisted by a third-party service unless you instruct otherwise.

In the dynamic realm of customer expectations, a friendly voice is just the beginning. Customers today seek assurance in receiving accurate information and effective solutions to their inquiries. Agents Republic is dedicated to delivering this level of service excellence, ensuring that every call is an opportunity to leave a lasting positive impression on your customers. Our carefully trained call agents transcend traditional call handling, phone answering service and embodying a blend of professionalism and empathy in each customer interaction. They provide prompt and empathetic support, ensuring accurate answers and effective solutions for every caller. 

Committed to transparency and performance, we offer sophisticated reporting tools that allow you to monitor and assess our service delivery, ensuring a continuous alignment with your expectations. Enhance your telephony experience with our suite of advanced features, including call recording, dynamic text to speech greetings and announcements, business hours settings, phone number and voicemail management. Boosts your business’s availability by customized call flows, personalized greetings, and streamline call disposition management for improved efficiency.

With Agents Republic as your partner, you can trust that your customers will receive unparalleled support, fostering trust and loyalty. Let us work together to elevate your business’s reputation and enhance customer satisfaction through our tailored phone answering services, crafted to meet your unique needs and exceed your expectations.

Discover how our live agent phone answering services can be tailored to suit your business needs. Contact us now to arrange a complimentary consultation. During this session, we will delve into your specific business requirements, explore personalized live answering service options, and provide pricing details. Let our trained shared support team and cutting-edge technology drive your business towards enhanced customer satisfaction and operational excellence. Contact us today to begin the conversation!
